Sunday, March 22, 2009

I have being thinking

I have being thinking
When eva i think of writing some thing to publish here , I think about it thousand time.I have a kinda hidden fear about what will readers think abt it. I knw i can talk about any thing, what i think about some thing BUT, What will happen if people get wrong meaning of what i have written. So far i have written only about me, but i wanna write what i think about certain topics BUT can't, Cos of fear or may be am not a general topic writer.......hehe

Normally I say i don't care about what people think about me or say about me. But most of the time, i end up not doing a thing thinking what will people think abt it . Some time I do thing which i desire, not thinking much . After doing that i don,t regret , i say i don't care what ppl say or think. But some where in my mind that thing is there, if it is a immoral , really not immoral ,kinda not acceptable things ( some silly things) i keep on thinking why did i did that, or why did i say it... Thats funny


duween said...

your profile says 'not afraid'.

same kind of irrational fear occur to me, when it comes to expressing

R.K.Wawilly said...

i think your right!!!!, that must be correct words

Anonymous said...

hmmm...the best to way overcome fear is facing it. what ever it is that u want to write about, i say go ahead and write. some might not like it, or might think negative about it. but also think about how many people would appreciate it and enjoy it! good luck...

Mike Abraham said...

comon dear.. yu do have the guts to pour in all your tots.. the last thing u wud need is a sieve to find out whether this particular piece wud be moral in the eyes of the others.
i say u shoot whatever yu want to express. do not be concerned abt wat others think. :) after all ur not afraid. are u?

shootingstar said...

oh dear...this is very normal thing to happen for a starter who writes...and believe me..this fear will make you a person who'd never fear afterall..
you just fear of what another might think about you for what you write right? but think like this..

"who cares,its my blog,my own feelings,and my freedom of speech"

this is what you have to do:)

duween said...

There is no 'FREEDOM OF SPEECH' here

DarkCasanova said...

Y dont u juz start writing what u wanna write that way u'll face your fear dho

shootingstar said...

@duween: If you feel your freed to write whatever you wish..then obviously theres freedom of speech..its just the feeling you have for writing tht matters...(in my opinion...but it differs frm individual perspective) n yea i know these people doesnt allow much to write...censorship..bla bla...but who cares..:)our own blogs!! ;)

DarkCasanova said...

Cencorship mny ass!! we can write watever we want...u know this kinda provokes me to write a lil post like that juz to see the responce... but since am a guy writing about dating well lets juz say i'll write a detailed version of a "seductive" date.. hahahah this gonna be intorestingo!!

Binoculars said...

write what ever you want. dont be afraid that people might misjudge you, because they will. but forever hididng and not feeling free to express your own self is not the solution.

R.K.Wawilly said...

Emmen ves ragalhu thedhu vaahaka thake thibunee, i should not hide dhooo........ will try