Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Hey ...!!!
i have been saying that i wanna share u guys some dreams i saw the other nights. Its being a month i have seen it , it was when my exam was going on .............

In first dream i saw 2 snakes in room. at first i was playing with them, giving foods , then wat happened was, when i was walking in the room accident i step on one, then it bite me on my hand, i ran to my bro and him to do something for that , He said its nothing , he seems so cool, i was terrified, scared , and i went to my friend asked her to suck the poisons,them bro said its nothing those snakes don't have poisons, what i have to do is hold tit. After sometime i went in side my room and i fund them on my chair, i wanted to take something from the table near the chair. i went to the conner and tried to get it , those 2 snakes came up to me and was searching for skin to bite from me, fortunately i was wearing long sleeve one. Those 2 snakes had a knot with the chair they couldnt reach me. at that time i was shouting and so afraid. I wakeup almost shouting.

Funny dream dhooo

Then there is this another dream my house was sarounded by Gorillas and some one gave a Shot gun to and told me to shoot the person there in between the gorilla's , he said that the boss, then i shot him on head, boooom he was gone . that time also i was afraid.

Then in another one i was in a gang, i was a gang member, and i had a crush on the another opposite gang member, hehe.!! that was a funny dream ..........

My friends said its cos i was watching too many movies , they were right after exam i spend 2 days indoor watching movies, my head was aching and my eye seems going to popout ..

I hope these things dosn't happen to you guys ..............
Thats all about my wired dreams........

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