Thursday, September 27, 2012

the Big elephannt in the room

the other day i attended the lacture by  . . . .     on enegy efficency and renevabe.. blaaas

Let me give you a summary according to my understanding.

The big elephant in the room :  some thing ppl does not want to talk about ..
We all know increase in the price of oil  leads to increase in price of food , transport , electricity  ( over all increase in cost of living)
The inflation goes up ..

all knows fact , but no body wanna do any thing about it.
All talks and no actual afford to decrease the use of oil.

We all know that Oil supply isn't gonnna increase in future , but Our demand for oil is increasing ,
Can any one imaging what will happen then
What will happen after 2030, or before that when oil exaction  keep on decresing and it stays in on point.

The need for electricity or transport using oil is incresing in maldives.
The plazma TV's and AC's and other high five stuffs in our house keep on increasing which in term increasing our electric use.

When are we gonna realise this is it. We have no oil left to produce electriccity . the experts knows that and are trying to do something about it.
But as the end users , we have to know that.

I dont wanna be the person who realised it when there is no time, The example she have given was
a bactria in a jar . . . growth rate 1 per min.  its half way full at 11:59 , full at 12;00noon.

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